
Entrepreneurs Are Born Not Made

Overpopulation, unemployment, natural disasters- these are just some of the few problems that we are faced globally resulting to the search for alternative solutions to alleviate poverty.A site based on the idea of sharing tips and knowledge by and for entrepreneurs, it tackles some theories on how business entrepreneurs develop. One is the supply theory that says entrepreneurs are born, not made certain people have the personality traits that make a good entrepreneur. In September-October 1986 edition of Business Horizons, John G. Burch, a suppy-side theorist, gave a list of in-born traits Wholesale that make an entrepreneur:In line with these, more and more people are encouraged to venture into entrepreneurship as the latest poll conducted by a premiere organization showed an all-time high confidence in the profitability expectations and outlook on the economys overall performance in the next quarter than at any other time in the past. But do know how to become an entrepreneur?*A desire to achieve: The push to conquer problems, and give birth to a successful venture.* Hard work: It is often suggested that Babydoll Lingerie many entrepreneurs are workaholics.* Reward orientation: Desire to achieve, work hard, and take responsibility, but also with a commensurate desire to be rewarded handsomely for their efforts; rewards can be in forms other than money, such as recognition and respect.* Optimism: Live by Ipod accessories the philosophy that this is the best of times, and that anything is possible.* Orientation to excellence: Often desire to achieve something outstanding that they can be proud of.* Desire to work for themselves: Entrepreneurs like to work for themselves rather than working for an organization or any other individual. They may work for someone to gain the knowledge of product or service that they may want to produce.* Nurturing quality: Willing to take charge of, and watch over a venture until it can stand alone.* Acceptance of responsibility: Are morally, legally, and mentally accountable for their ventures. Some entrepreneurs may be driven more by altruism than by self-interest.* Organization: Are good at bringing together the components (including people) of a venture.* Profit orientation: Want to make a profit; but the profit serves primarily as a meter to gauge their success and achievement.These are just some helpful guides to be an entrepreneur. You can log on to some sites and read more about entrepreneurship and be inspired Wholesale Watches with success stories of business entrepreneurs.

