
7 Helpful Marketing And Advertising Ideas

There are many ways of advertising for a product. Depending on the budget, the scope and the brand value of the product one can select any type of advertising technique as per once choice.1. News paper advertising: News paper advertising is the oldest form of advertising. News paper advertising help you reach out to a large number of people as everybody reads a news paper. In news paper one can publish black and white ads as well as color ads. In color ads one can even publish ads with graphics, designs and photos. These ads are very attractive and can instantly get the reader involved with the ad compelling them to read it further. Color ads with designs are the most expensive types of ads in news paper advertising.2. Internet advertising: Increase in number of tech savvy people and also a considerable number of people becoming addicted to internet surfing, internet advertising is growing at a feverish pace. Internet advertising is the latest types of advertising market and is very economical as well as very result oriented. The newly developed pay per click internet advertising technique is a huge hit with the advertisers as well as the publishers. The pay per click advertising idea is completely performance based, and the advertiser pays the publisher depending on the number of clicks that the ad receives in the stipulated time period.3. Radio ads: Advertising on a radio is like a double edged sword, because if advertised properly the product can be a huge hit, but if not done properly a good product can even become less popular. Radio ads are totally based on the pitch and the dialogue delivery as emotions and ideas get conveyed through these two mediums. A good ad presenter can get the imagination of the listeners running and can get them instantly attracted to the particular product or service. Hence, the ads which are broadcasted on the radio should be done with proper pitch, voice fluctuation and dialogue delivery. 4. TV ads: TV ads are said to be the most influential ads. These TV ads can make or break a brand depending on the effectively and quality of the ad. TV ads that have famous personalities are bound to be more effective and influential. 5. Animated ads: This is the latest advertising technique. In animated ads a cartoon or an animated character is used that attracts attention of the viewer. These animated ads are generally telecast on the TV channels or are displayed on web sites or web pages. 6. Neon signs: Neon signs are very bright and attractive. When used Motor Parts in the led light bulbs night they shine look even brighter. If a single neon sign ad is put up in the whole locality then it will attract maximum on-lookers and thus can be a very effective advertising technique.7. Hoardings: Putting up large posters at cross roads or large hoardings nearby the roads is also a good advertising idea. This is a very cost effective way of advertising.

